Who You Rockin Wit ?!?!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

prop joe interview

-Introduce yourself; give a little background about yourself and what you do?

I go by the name Prop Joe originally from Brooklyn NY, currently residing in VA. I'm an artist, DJ, hustler, and all around hip hopper, I am best known as the host of my award nominated Internet radio show "The Prop Joe Radio Show. Basically I do what I've been blessed to do, no frills involved. Anything else, just google me.

-What do feels separates you from others in your field?

Well what I KNOW separates me from others in my field is the fact that nobody can do me like me. Like I got a monopoly on myself. I could go on and say that I'm the best, or that I am hotter than others but that's bullshit, "hot" is only a matter of opinion and everybody thinks they are "hot" nowadays... So if i had to say what separates me from others, I'd say that whenever Prop Joe is in the building, or on a record, or whatever, you get 100 percent undiluted me, and that is truly something nobody else can do.

-How does society and its struggles act you and others I your field?

UHH can you repeat the question? (laughing)

-Where do you see the current state of hip hop at in 5 years?

Its hard to say, nobody could've predicted where we are now 5 years ago. What I think it will be is what it has always been, careers ending, careers jumping and careers just getting started. I mean that in metaphor sense, basically its like a new generation influences hip hop every five years or so from clothing to music and everything else in between. So I expect old shit to be new again through the use of better technology, anything else is left to be seen.

-What role does family and friends play in your career?

They are part of my support system personally, you know, they keep me grounded. My peoples are not around because of who they think I am, more like who they know i am, but for the most part I try to keep my family and close friends away from my "career" since this music business has so many variable ass niggas running around, and too many variables is always a bad thing

-What do you thinks separates winners from losers?

Losers quit. Winners grind til the wheels fall off. . . period. . . .

-What advice can you give others in your field that you learned through trial and error?

In the words of Jay Z, "only believe half of what you see and none of what you hear". Stick to your guns and do what you think is right, and remember, karma is in full effect ALL THE TIME! I'm living proof of the good and the bad.

-Do you have any political views since everyone in today’s society does?

Definitely, I would probably identify myself as a true independent, sometimes left, sometimes right.

-How do you feel about the rumors about Obama that’s rampant on the Internet?

Alot of it sounds like racism in disguise! I'm no Obama cheerleader but it seems like they are trying to paint him in every possible negative light that they can find. Alot of it is without merit, like the rumor that he's a secret Muslim. . . SO WHAT IF HE WAS? or are you aware that taxes have GONE DOWN since the man has been in office? Where were these people when Bush made it legal to snoop in your emails and phones, or when he was committing impeachable offenses from 9-11 to Katrina? Where I live at, there are people of different races that think they are superior to black people. . . but enough of that, I'm sure I've already stirred up enough controversy. . Just leave the man to his fucked up job so he can try to fix things, all that other stuff is unnecessary.

-Do you have any religious views? Are you religious?

just one. everybody thinks they are right, but they are all wrong. I wouldn't call myself religious, but in many ways i am. . nuff said

-What are some of your influences in your life?

My mom is THE influence in my life, since I'm a mommas boy i basically try to conduct myself in a way that doesn't embarrass my mom. . . .She is the best. . . nuff said

-Switching to a serious subject, what is you view on drugs? Users, Abusers, Pushers?

That's the great thing about this country, the free market. . . as far as users and pushers are concerned, i don't knock what they do as long as what they do don't affect me, ya dig? But on a more serious note, things would be different if the proper education was in place. . . for example, when i was in school they didn't say drugs were great, but they didn't express how and why drugs were bad. .. and not all of them are bad, but that too is also a matter of opinion and everybody has one.

but keep in mind you get what you ask for and you know what happens when you deal with your drug of choice, hopefully.

-What can the public look for from you in the future?

I got a few things cooking up with a few charitable organizations to give back to the community, stay tuned for that. As far as music is concerned, my latest single "straight to the top" ft J.Harris is soon to be in circulation officially. as of now we are just pitching it out to try and build momentum for my upcoming ep/mixtape "New Rulez"

I've got a couple of mixtapes I'll be hosting and releasing from my label MyHouse Entertainment, and a line up of shows coming. I've been really busy behind the scenes for a little while and there will be multiple projects and appearances within the next couple of months for me, again, stay tuned,

Anything you want to say before this interview is over?

Yeah, thanks for the opportunity, I appreciate it. Also, don't forget "New Rulez" coming soon. Request "straight to the top" ft. J. Harris at your local stations. For more info hit me up online at www.propjoeradioshow.com , myspace.com/myhouseentertainment , or just holla at me on twitter @propjoe I respond to everybody!

and finally. . .


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